
Adding a description to a new case:

  1. Once you have uploaded your before and after photos, scroll down in the editing page of your case and click on the box titled “Description”. 

Adding a description to a draft:

  1. Go to your drafts and select the case you wish to add a description to.

  2. Once you have selected your case, click “Edit” and scroll down to the box titled “Description”

  3. Once you have finished your description, save your draft and post it to your feed! 


Adding a description to a new case:

  1. Click “New Case” at the bottom of your screen.

  2. Scroll down and click on the box titled “Description”.

  3. Type a description of your case and save.

Adding a description to a draft:

  1. Click “Drafts” at the bottom of the screen. 

  2. Click on the draft you want to add a description to.

  3. Scroll down and click the box titled “Description” and type what you want your patients to read about your case. 

  4. Click “Save Draft” or “Update” to post your draft at the bottom of the screen.